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Deborah Labbate

Deborah started her first business at 17.  The rest, as they say, is history!

With two exits under her belt; one successful and by choice; the other not by choice, but successful in the end, she has certainly experienced the highs and lows of running a business first hand.

Taking this experience in business and now working as a critical friend, mentor and advisor Deborah has been helping other business owners go further, faster since 2006. She has worked across a broad range of sectors and with start-up companies, those looking to grow and some looking to exit.

Deborah is a highly skilled business advisor with a track record of identifying areas for improvement and delivering solutions through strategic development, coaching and mentoring and business leadership expertise.

She brings a depth of expertise generated through extensive experience supporting SMEs across sectors, establishing, growing and exiting businesses and working at board level. 

Deborah thrives on developing leaders, utilising NLP, serving as a sounding board and providing constructive challenge. 

You will find Deborah to be personable and approachable with strong emotional intelligence, crisis management and project management capabilities.

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